Indian Navy
- Qualification: 10th / 12th Arts / 12th Arts + Maths / 12th Commerce / 12th Commerce + Maths / 12th PCM + B / 12th PCM / 12th PCB
- salary: Rs 7,35,600 /year
Who is a Naval Officer?
A Naval Officer or Navy Officer is a highly educated and military-trained individual who manages the Navy's personnel, its ships, aircraft and other weapon systems. The Indian Navy is the naval section of the Indian Armed Forces. President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy.
An Admiral is the Chief of Staff of the Indian Navy. He/she is the highest-ranking officer of the Navy and commands the Indian Navy. The main aim of the Navy is to protect the country's maritime borders, and in collaboration with other armed forces, safeguard the country against any threat or aggression.
What does a Naval Officer do?
An Indian Naval Officer is trained in very specialized areas such as submarine warfare, communication systems, gunnery, navigation, logistics, diving, and hydrography. A person may also choose to work in the aviation or submarine areas of the Navy. A person can be trained to work in any of these too.
What are the skills required?
The following skills are required to become an officer of the Indian Navy:
Presence of mind, clarity in thought and the ability to take quick decisions
Leadership qualities
A fighting spirit, discipline and determination
Ability to adapt to new situations and erratic schedules
Ability to tolerate stress
Stamina and coping skills
Top colleges offering courses for becoming a Naval Officer
Primarily, there are two main ways of becoming a Naval Officer in the Indian Navy:
A person can join the National Defence Academy (NDA) after completion of grade 12 exams, and attaining suitable scores in the grade 12 exams. Note that grades 11 and 12 have to be completed in the Science stream with Physics and Maths. For any engineering positions, a score of at least 70% has to be attained in PCM - Physics, Maths and Chemistry. If you join the NDA after the 12th grade, you will have to complete an Indian Naval Engineering course of 4 years.
Combined Defense Service Examination has to be completed after graduation if you choose to enter the Navy after attaining a graduate degree. There are openings for commerce and law graduates too.
Note: You can also join the Indian Navy after completing your 10th exams as a sailor.
For more details on eligibility, check the official website
Prestigious institutions offering graduate courses in Marine Engineering/Naval Architecture
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai - M.Tech Ocean Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela - M.Tech Atmosphere and Ocean Science
Indian Maritime University, Navi Mumbai - PGD Marine Engineering
CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneshwar - B.Tech Marine Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras - B.Tech + M.Tech in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - PGD in Naval Construction
Delhi Maritime Academy - B.Tech in Naval Architecture
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - M.Tech in Engineering and Naval Architecture
Note that you have to attain substantial scores in entrance exams to obtain admission in any engineering colleges in India - these are IIT-JEE Mains, JEE, and MHCET.
Career scope of Navy Officers in India
A career in the Indian Navy is for those with an adventurous spirit. You will see the world while serving your nation. The Indian Navy offers leadership opportunities in many fields within its ranks. You may get a permanent commission based on scores that you attain in the NDA/NA cadet and CDSE (for graduates). This is followed by an interview by the Service Selection Board or SSB. An officer at a very young stage assumes the role of commanding his men and using the equipment on ships. A cadet/sailor may start low in the ranks, but hard work is recognized and is rewarded. You can be recruited into one of these branches in the Indian Navy:
The Executive Branch
The Engineering Branch
The Electrical Branch
The Education Branch
How much do the Naval Officers make in India?
Sub-Lieutenant (Level 10) Rs 56,100 – Rs 1,77,500/mth
Lieutenant (Level 10 B) Rs 6,13,00/mth- Rs 1,93,900/mth
Lieutenant Commander (Level 11) Rs 6,94,00 – Rs 2,07,200/mth
Commander (Level 12A) Rs 1,21,200/mth – Rs 2,12400/mth
Captain (Level 13) Rs 1,30,600/mth- Rs 2, 15,900/mth
Commodore (Level 13A) Rs 1,39,600/mth-Rs 2,17,600/mth
Rear Admiral (Level 14) Rs 1,44,200-Rs 2,18,200/mth
Vice Admiral HAG Scale (Level 15) Rs 1, 82, 200/mth-Rs 2,24,100/mth
HAG+Scale (Level 16) Rs 2,05,400/mth – Rs 2,24,400/mth
VCNS/Navy Cdr/ Vice Admiral (NFSG) [Level 17] Rs 2,25,000/mth-(fixed)
CNS (Level 18) Rs 2,50,000/mth-(fixed)
Besides all this, Indian Navy staff are given a lot of perks such as subsidized housing and services and utility subsidies and discounts, as well as insurance, medical and life.
What are the Books and Study materials available?
There are several publications by Pearson, Gupta and Agarwal Publishers for study for entrance exams.
Let's Crack SSB Interview
General Science & Technology For Civil Services Pt & Mains, State Psc, Cds, NDA, SSC, & Other UPSC Exams 2nd Edition
NDA Study Material Notes 2020-Buy Online Full Syllabus Text Book
NDA Correspondence Kit/NDA by MKC Publication
Study Material For Nda Entrance Examination With Previous Year Solved Paper, Past Year Solution And Suggestion Paper
GENERAL STUDIES PRACTICE BOOK/NDA by MKC Publication Study Package Mathematics NDA & NA (National Defence Academy & Naval Academy) Entrance Exam 2020
CDS (OTA): Combined Defence Services Entrance Examination
Pathfinder Cds Combined Defence Services Professional And Scholarlyination
Mathematics For C.D.S.Entrance Exam.
NCERT History Books Set of Class - 6 TO 12 (ENGLISH MEDIUM) for UPSC Prelims / Main / IAS / Civil Services / IFS / IES / ISS / CISF / CDS / SCRA
Major recruiters
The Indian Navy
The Merchant Navy
Cruise Ship Companies
Major corporations with positions in administrative and HR departments
Interesting facts
Shivaji of the Maratha Kingdom is also known as the father of Indian Navy.